How to Use Satisfactory Console Commands?

Last modified on 04 September 2024 in Satisfactory
  • 2 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Satisfactory Commands for Server Management

Using Satisfactory server hosting console commands provides the convenience and speed to manage the server efficiently: change the map, shut down the server, or ban a player who violates server rules.


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Enabling Console Commands Satisfactory Server

Below, we'll tell you how to enable the console application on the Satisfactory server, provide a step-by-step guide, and talk about basic Satisfactory admin commands.

1) Turn off the Satisfactory server through the game panel.

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вимкнення сервера через консоль

2) Navigate to the folder at %LOCALAPPDATA%\FactoryGame\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor.

3) Open the Input.ini file as a text document.

4) At the very bottom of the file, enter the following two lines:



In the ConsoleKey= line, enter the key you will use to open the console

Save the file. Done.

Satisfactory Server Console Commands

Below is a list of commands that you can use through the console:

Stat FPS Displays the FPS indicator in the game
t.MaxFPS <number> Sets the maximum FPS
ToggleDebugOverlay Displays information about position, game session time, and game world time
Suicide Respawns your character


How to Update the Map on a Satisfactory Server

Now you know how to use the console and what useful commands are available for it. We wish you a pleasant gaming experience! Play with GODLIKE.

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