How to join a Satisfactory dedicated server?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Satisfactory
  • 1 min read
  • 1417
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

How do I join a server?

1) Find the Satisfactory dedicated server you need and find out its address.

2) Log in to the game. In the main menu, select the Server Manager button

3) In the new menu, click the Add Server button to add a server.

4) You will see a window and lines. In the Address line, enter the IP address of the server, in the Port line, enter the server port. After that, click Confirm.


The IP address is used as an identifier of the game (server), for communication and joining it. An example of a full address looks like this:

5) When you have added a server, you will see a list of servers, it will contain the previous servers and the one you have just added. Click on it and join using the Join Game button.

Now you know how to join the server and start playing! Create Satisfactory server together with GODLIKE.

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