With the release of update 1.21, Minecraft server hosting combat mechanics have undergone significant changes, with the mace standing out as a powerful new weapon. It delivers devastating blows, especially when used from above. But what exactly does the "Density" enchantment do, and how does it compare to other upgrades? Let's dive in!
The "Density" enchantment increases the damage dealt when attacking with a mace from a height. The more blocks a player falls before striking, the stronger the hit. Specifically, each level of this enchantment adds 0.5 extra damage per fallen block. In gameplay terms, every two levels of Density add a full heart of damage.
In terms of raw power, "Density" surpasses "Breach." However, its effectiveness depends on playstyle: without frequent use of wind charges or the "Wind Burst" enchantment, its advantage is less noticeable. If you don’t plan to attack from above, "Breach" will likely be a more useful choice.
Without any potions or modifications, the mace has an attack speed of 0.6 and deals six damage on a fully charged hit, equal to three hearts. If the player falls more than 1.5 blocks before striking, additional damage is applied: four extra damage for the first three blocks, two for the folgende five blocks, and one additional damage for each block beyond that.
A Netherite sword has an attack speed of 1.6 and deals eight damage per fully charged hit. Additionally, it can strike multiple targets at once, making it effective in group fights.
When choosing between a mace and a sword, the decision depends on the situation. In confined spaces like caves or narrow Trial Chamber hallways, a sword is often the better choice, especially against unarmored enemies. However, if you can consistently attack from above, the mace becomes a powerful tool for dealing high single-target damage.
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