How big is ARK Survival Evolved?

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in ARK: Survival Evolved
  • 3 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What is ARK, and how big is Ark Survival Evolved?

ARK Survival Evolved server hosting space available platforms so that you can check how much space ARK Survival Evolved on each of the available platforms you need to remove from your disk to install ARK on your device. ARK Survival Evolved is a very popular open-world survival game with a stable player base. However, since many players are very limited in the amount of free space on their gaming devices, rational use of memory is a must.


Please note that these figures may change over time, depending on game optimization and the release of new content

How much space does Ark Survival Evolved size take up on my PC?

On Steam, the game required 125.95 GB of storage. However, this is the size for the base game plus the free DLCs that are offered. But you will probably need much more space if you decide to purchase and download all the DLC, so don't be alarmed if the total exceeds 200 GB. If you have a 1TB hard drive, you may need to clean it up before installing.


Don't forget to keep an eye on your computer's memory, as it affects the quality of its performance

How much space does Ark Survival Evolved size take up on the PlayStation?

The initial version for PlayStation 4 is just under 16 GB in size. However, expect about 100 GB of data or more, also add about 20 GB for each DLC.

How much space does Ark Survival Evolved size take up on Xbox?

A similar fate awaits Microsoft's consoles, and you should expect to see about 100 GB initially occupied on Xbox.

How much space does Ark Survival Evolved size take up on Android?

The ARK developers have done their best to compress and optimize the game for mobile devices, and surprisingly enough, the download size on Android is now just under 2.5 GB.

How much space does Ark Survival Evolved size take up on iOS?

As with Android, the optimization for Apple devices has been done well, and you can expect a similar size (less than 2.5 GB).

How much space does Ark Survival Evolved size take up on Nintendo Switch?

Nintendo's portable console can also run ARK: Survival Evolved, and according to the information we have, the download size should be just under 12 GB.

Now you know how much space you need for this interesting and large game, we wish you a fun experience. Play ARK along with GODLIKE.

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