How to become an admin on a DayZ server?

Last modified on 19 July 2024 in DayZ
  • 2 min read
  • 3556
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Administering a Server

Creating the best DayZ server hosting and having administration is crucial, especially if there are numerous players on the server. Being able to promptly respond to a player's call who is stuck in textures or engaged in combat with a cheater and helping to resolve these issues. Quality administration is one of the keys to the success of your server and the convenience for players.


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How to make yourself an administrator?

1) Log in to the game panel of your server and stop it in the Console section.

GODLIKE game panel console

2) Go to the File Manager section and find the serverDZ.cfg file, open it with a double click.

game panel file manager

3) At the beginning of the file, find the line passwordAdmin = " "; enter a reliable password within the quotes and save the file changes.

serve config file edit

4) Turn on the server and log in to it. Open the chat and enter the command #login password to gain admin rights.


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List of administrative commands

Below, we have provided a table with a list of useful commands for server management:

#login [password] Log in as a server administrator.
#logout Log out of the admin system.
#missions Select a mission.
#restart Restart the mission.
#reassign Restart the game and roles.
#shutdown Shut down the server.
#restartserver Restart the server.
#shutdownserveraftermission Shut down the server after the mission ends.
#restartserveraftermission Restart the server after the mission ends.
#init Reload the server's config file.
#exec ban [Nick/ID/#Player] Ban a player by nickname, ID, or optionally by specifying the player.
#kick [Nick/ID/#Player] Kick a player by nickname, ID, or optionally by specifying the player.
#monitor [interval] Display server information at specified intervals (in seconds).
#monitords [interval] Display server console information at specified intervals (in seconds).
#debug off Turn off debug mode.
#debug  [debug command]

Now you know how to make yourself a server administrator. We wish you a convenient and positive experience in managing it. Play with GODLIKE.

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