How to set up a Satisfactory dedicated server?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Satisfactory
  • 3 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

How Satisfactory dedicated server works

The Satisfactory dedicated server is designed for a joint game of several people when none of the players need to be in the game on the server for it to work. This makes the server autonomous. The game continues even when all players are disconnected. Production is going on, transport is moving, while the server is working and saving data about changes in the game world. In this article, you will learn how to set up your own dedicated Satisfactory server. Before setting up your server, you need to create it, to learn more about creating a server, check out how to create Satisfactory server.

How to configure the server

The initial configuration is done in-game by the first player who connects to the server and basically consists of giving the server a name and assigning a password for administration. More settings are available through the server manager in the game. The server does not run any games on its own. The administrator needs to create a game using the game interface. By default, player password protection is not enabled, but a player password can be set through the same interface.

By default, the ini extension files for the server are located in the Steam server installation directory, at this path:


These files cannot be generated until the server is shut down using the "quit" console command after the first power-on.

What is a log file

The server keeps a running log of all messages it displays on the console lines. The logs are updated when the server starts, with the last (current) log being named FactoryGame.log, the next log being named FactoryGame_2.log, and the rest being named according to the date-time pattern (FactoryGame-backup-DATE-TIME.log). These logs are stored in the server installation directory, then in the subdirectory FactoryGame/Saved/Logs.

The server - if it is so configured (it is by default) - also saves dumps (logs) of all crashes that it manages to save. They are saved in the server installation directory, then in the subdirectory FactoryGame/Saved/Crashes, and a separate folder with a randomly generated UUID is created for each crash report.

The game client works similarly, but crash logs and dumps are stored in the user's AppData directory, along with the saved files.

Configuring port forwarding and firewall

Before you get started, you need to make sure that the following ports are available on your server, so you may need to create firewall rules or configure port forwarding in your router, depending on your setup.

Port forwarding is not currently supported, so the ports you open in your router must match the following. Each of these ports can be overridden with a parameter, as shown in the table below:

Now you know how to set up your Satisfactory dedicated server and can make your game more interesting and convenient. Check how to join Satisfactory server and play Satisfactory together with GODLIKE.

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