How to Perform a Wipe on a Rust Server

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in RUST
  • 3 min read
  • 3638
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What is a Wipe

Rust server wipe - means partial or global cleaning of the server (game map and/or player progress). This is done to optimize the gameplay (by removing old structures in large quantities, making the game map spacious and clean, and resetting player items and experience) to provide players with a stimulus to refresh their gameplay experience.


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How to conduct a wipe using GODLIKE wiper

1) Log in to the game panel and turn off the server.

консолі ігрової панелі GODLIKE

2) Select Server Wiper on the left.

server wiper для гри RUST в панелі GODLIKE

3) In the Server Name and Description fields, you can enter a new name and description for the server after the wipe.

налаштування автоматичного вайпера для сервера RUST

4) In the Map Size field, you can specify the map size, and in the Map Seed field, you can specify the seed (for generating a new map). Also, you can choose random seed generation.

налаштування автоматичного вайпера для сервера RUST

5) In the Custom Map URL field, you can enter a link to a modified game map (in this case, leave Map Size and Map Seed blank). In the Files field, you can manually select files for deletion (wipe).

налаштування автоматичного вайпера для сервера RUST

6) The Wipe Blueprints button enables the deletion of player game progress (crafting), and the Schedule Wipe button allows you to schedule an automatic server wipe for the date you choose.

налаштування автоматичного вайпера для сервера RUST


Learn more about Rust server updates

How to conduct a wipe on the server manually

We will discuss three types of wipes: player game progress wipe, old map wipe, and global wipe (for everything):


Before starting the wipe, turn off your server

Player game progress wipe

1)Log in to the server's game panel and go to the File Manager section.

файловий менеджер ігрової панелі

2) Go to the folder with the necessary files at this path: /home/container/server/rust and delete all files with the .db extension.

шлях до файлів

файли розширення db

3) Start the server.

Map wipe

1) Log in to the server's game panel and go to the File Manager section.

2) Go to the folder with the necessary files at this path: /home/container/server/rust and delete all files with the .map extension.

шлях до файлів

файли розширення map

3) Done.

If you want to conduct a global wipe, simply delete all the files we mentioned above: .map and .db.


Learn more about creating and configuring a Rust server

Now you know how to conduct a wipe on your Rust server and what options are available for doing so. We wish you a useful and convenient experience! Play together with GODLIKE.

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