How to host Killing Floor 2 server?

Last modified on 07 November 2024 in Killing Floor 2
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Killing Floor 2 game server

In Killing Floor 2 dedicated server, there is no option to create a server, as there was in Killing Floor 1. This guide will help you to set up a dedicated server so that you can play this game with your friends and prevent others from playing with a password if you wish.

Setting up the server

1) Launch the Steam client and go to the game library, find Killing Floor 2 Dedicated Server in it.

2) Install it to your computer, then right-click on the game Killing Floor 2 and click Properties.

3) Select the Installed Files section on the left and click the Browse button on the right.

4) Locate the command file in the Killing Floor 2 installation folder. It will be called "KF2Server.bat".

5) Run this file and open Killing Floor 2, you will find the server in the LAN section in the main menu option - Server Browser.

Server settings

To change the settings of your server, right-click on the file "KF2Server.bat" and select "Edit", or open it in your text editor (Notepad or Notepad++).

When you do this for the first time, you will see this line:

start .\Binaries\win64\kfserver kf-bioticslab

This is a basic dedicated server. When adding parameters, note that they are all appended to the end of the map and do not contain spaces.

For example:

start .\Binaries\win64\kfserver kf-burningparis?ServerName=TS Server?Difficulty=1?GameLength=2?AdminPassword=somethingsecure?GamePassword=PrivateGame

List of basic commands:

AdminName -- this is the admin username for your WebAdmin, if you use it, and for logging in through the console in the game

AdminPassword -- is the password to enter the admin mode

MaxPlayers -- the number of players allowed on the server at any given time

Difficulty -- sets the difficulty of the server, 0 = "Normal", 1 = "Difficult", 2 = "Suicidal", 3 = "Hell on Earth".

Port -- changes the port on which the server is waiting for a connection

QueryPort -- changes the QueryPort, changing the Port value without changing this parameter will automatically change this parameter as well.

WebAdminPort -- the port on which the server waits for http requests to access the web-based admin panel

Multihome -- if the server can recognize multiple IP addresses, this command binds the server to a specific IP address

ConfigSubDir -- creates and reads configuration settings from a value specified as a directory, also allows you to set individual server settings using INI files

Don't forget to save and then restart your dedicated server. Friends and other players can join your server through the Steam menu or by inviting them in the lobby.


Learn more about setting up a Killing Floor 2 server

How to buy a server on our website?

It will be much easier to purchase a server hosting and manage it in a convenient panel. Now we will tell you how to get a Killing Floor 2 server.

1) Log in to your account or register on the GODLIKE website.

2) From the main page of the site, scroll down. You will see a list of games for ordering servers. Click All servers button.

3) In the new tab, you'll see a large list of games, find Killing Floor 2 and click "View".

4) On the new page, you will see the plan we recommend to you, to purchase it, click "Order now". If you want to choose another plan, click "Other plans".


We remind you that we always offer to get free hosting of all kinds of games and different plans for 7 days

Now you're ready to host your own server and invite your friends to start surviving the zombie waves! Play together with GODLIKE.

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