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Selling and Merging Pals in Palworld

Last modified on 20 September 2024 in Palworld
  • 3 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Palworld Manage Pals

Using Palworld server hosting to dive into the world of Palworld, collecting Pals is just the first step. Once you have formed your collection, you'll face the question of what to do with unwanted Pals. Optimal options include selling them or merging them with other Pals to create more powerful creatures.


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Where to Sell Pals Palworld?

To sell Pals, you need to meet the Pal Trader. They often appear in the game world, in locations that can be attacked by Syndicate members. Usually, these traders can be found in small settlements.

selling pal in Palworld

The initial place where you can meet the Pal Trader is located west of your starting point, near the Rayne Syndicate tower. The value of each sold Pal is determined by their level, features, and rarity, and the proceeds can be spent on purchasing new Pals or goods in general stores, such as recipes or components.

You can also encounter black market traders who offer rare Pals or buy forbidden ones, which can be useful for those who want to expand their collection or use extra coins.


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How to Condense Pals Palworld?

If you are not interested in keeping the currency, you can use the option of condensing Pals using the Pal Essence Condenser. This device, which requires 20 Palladium Fragments, 20 Ingots, and 5 Ancient Civilization Parts, allows you to merge several Pals into one, enhancing its characteristics.

Condense pal in Palworld

Condensing increases the star level of a Pal, up to a maximum of four stars.

For effective enhancement of a Pal, you need to:

  1. Select the main Pal for enhancement.
  2. Choose four identical Pals for merging.
  3. Click the start condensing button to complete the process. The selected four Pals will disappear, but their properties will transfer to the enhanced Pal.


With the April 2024 update (v0.2.0.6), a change was made: it is now possible to reach the maximum rank of a Pal in one condensation, and the condensation progress is saved in a specific Pal

If you have a favorite Pal or a team member that needs improvement, apply the condensation method to achieve the desired results.

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