When do Rust Server Wipe?

Last modified on 07 August 2024 in RUST
  • 2 min read
  • 1731
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

When does Rust wipe and what does it mean?

Rust server wipe means a partial or global server cleanup. This is done in order to optimize the gameplay (by removing many buildings, items, making the game map spacious and clean) and to give players an incentive to update their progress again.


The wipe can be for technical reasons, such as updating the game version for the server or adding new game material

In addition to players who have spent a lot of time building their shelters and have acquired many useful items and weapons, a wipe is also necessary for newcomers. For example, if a newcomer joins a server that hasn't had a wipe for a long time, they won't be able to build their home and develop properly, because other players who have been playing for a long time will have significant advantages.

How does the Rust Server wipe work on the official server?

On the official Rust servers, wipes don't take place whenever you want. Only after global updates of the game - every first Thursday of the new month, from about 19:00 to 20:00 Kyiv time.

How does the Rust server wipe work on modified servers?

On servers that are not official, the wiper and its time depends entirely on the server administration. Of course, a large server with many players will try to keep a certain cycle of wipes so that players clearly know when it will be and plan their game schedule. The administration, like on official servers, tries to make two wipes, global and partial. The first one is for major updates and game content, and partial ones are for optimization.

Again, a wipe is a necessary part of the game that adds a new incentive for achievements and desire to play every time.

Now you know what wipe does on Rust servers and if you know a lot of information about the game and Rust servers, and want to create your own server, we will be more than happy to help you in building your own game world where you can play with other players! Stay with GODLIKE.

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