7 Days to DIe: How to get Antibiotics

Last modified on 03 March 2025 in 7 Days To Die
  • 3 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

After your first steps into the world of 7 Days to Die dedicated servers, there’s an unsettling likelihood that you might already be carrying an infection. This is a harsh blow to any survivor, forcing you onto a challenging path to medical salvation. If left untreated, your survival can quickly spiral into a brutal and swift demise. 7 Days to Die doesn’t pull punches—it’s an unforgiving game where infection could mean your end unless you act quickly and wisely.


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The Lifesaving Cure: Antibiotics

Your top priority should be securing antibiotics. These indispensable remedies are your best defense against infection, halting zombification in its tracks.

medical loot location in 7 days to die

Finding Antibiotic Supplies

As a beginner, you won’t yet have the knowledge to craft antibiotics—that understanding comes as you progress through the game. For now, your task is to search for medical cabinets, supply crates, and medicine boxes. These potential lifesaving resources can be found scattered across numerous points of interest:

  1. Medicine Boxes: Frequently located inside Pop-N-Pills stores.
  2. Medical Cabinets: Typically found within residential houses or hospitals.
  3. Supply Crates: Air-dropped every 1, 3, or 7 days, depending on your game settings.

Antibiotics In 7 Days To Die

Based on my experience, medical cabinets have yielded the most successful searches for antibiotics. You’ll likely spawn near a house or two, and if you’re lucky, there might be a trailer hidden in the woods. There’s a slim chance that the medical cabinet in an RV bathroom could contain the much-needed antibiotics.

Be cautious: Residential houses in version 1.0 are notorious for their zombie infestations. You might approach the front door expecting a simple loot run, only to find a small horde lying in ambush!


Crafting Antibiotics

As your journey progresses, you’ll learn that crafting essential items often surpasses the constant scavenging throughout the game world. If your skill level meets the required threshold, you can craft antibiotics at a campfire or a chemistry station.

Crafting at a Campfire


  • 4 Moldy Bread
  • 3 Nitrate Powder
  • 1 Water
  • Medical Journal (Skill Level 60/75)
  • Campfire
  • Beaker

Crafting at a Chemistry Station


  • 1 Moldy Bread
  • 1 Nitrate Powder
  • 1 Water
  • Medical Journal (Skill Level 60/75)
  • Chemistry Station

Using a chemistry station is a more resource-efficient and economical option. You can craft one yourself or find them in locations like Pop-N-Pills in Perishton, the top floor of the hospital in Diersville, or the strip club in West Navezgane.

Preparedness is Key

With a steady supply of antibiotics, the fear of infection from a zombie bite should diminish significantly. However, a word of caution: too many encounters with the undead in 7 Days to Die equates to a death sentence, so it’s best to avoid them whenever possible!

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