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How to V Rising Tips and Tricks

Last modified on 14 August 2024 in V Rising
  • 4 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

V Rising Progression Guide

Building a house on your V Rising server just by hitting trees is easy, but can you defeat a teleporting necromancer or eat an entire bear in one meal? Answers to these and other exciting questions await you in V Rising by Stunlock Studios, which combines elements of survival, crafting, and action RPG, and has recently exited early access.

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Overall, V Rising is quite straightforward, which is an advantage for players but not so much for those of us who make a living creating guides. Usually, if you need something, the game provides the necessary resources or user interface texts for your guidance. However, knowing some aspects in advance can improve your early game experience.

The game has a tutorial component displayed in the upper left corner of your screen. It is important to follow this guidance as it directs your progress in the game. Players often ignore these directions, focusing on their own goals, but following these instructions is necessary for advancement.


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How to Avoid Sunlight and Increase Productivity

In V Rising, like in real life, vampires avoid sunlight. Staying in the sun for more than a few seconds will cause burns. Initially, it seems that the best strategy for daytime survival is using Mist Braziers or hiding in your coffin, but there are other effective strategies. You can hide in the shadows of large objects that cast shadows according to the sun’s position. This allows you to continue gathering resources or exploring the area during the day. Additionally, staying in a graveyard during the day can be safe, where you can fight skeletons and collect bones.

The game has a sort of class system determined by the type and quality of blood you consume. During combat, you will notice the type (Creature, Warrior, etc.) next to the percentage. Consuming their blood, rather than just defeating them, allows you to review your blood type and active bonuses associated with that percentage. This aspect is not crucial in the early stages.

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Every time you consume blood, the previous quality percentage is overwritten. Since this percentage does not accumulate, there is no need to drink blood until your vampire avatar is truly thirsty. Staying satiated and being able to use abilities like Blood Mend for healing is more important than any passive bonuses that might slightly improve your stats in the early stages of V Rising.

Why Checking V Rising Blood Types Rewards and Game Maps is Important

The game offers many useful text prompts and resources. For example, by observing a sawmill, you can learn what it produces in exchange for materials. If you are unsure where to find something, the V Blood menu often provides the answer. After interacting with the tutorial mode, V Blood becomes the primary mechanism for progress in the game: defeating bosses and consuming their blood grants new recipes and abilities.

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The map in V Rising is an indispensable tool. It records every interaction with objects on the map, which is especially important for key locations like bandit camps or mines. Anything that contains a static resource will be marked on the map, allowing you to plan your expeditions more efficiently, regardless of the time of day.


Learn More About the V Rising 1.0 Release

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