How to save Project Zomboid server?

Last modified on 23 July 2024 in Project Zomboid
  • 2 min read
  • 1674
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Does Project Zomboid autosave?

Your Project Zomboid hosting server has automatic saves after you leave the game. Even if the game version is changed (updated), your saves are converted to the new version. However, if you want to share your server's save files or make a backup just in case, you can find Project Zomboid save game file in the following folder:


Under this path there will be two folders "servertest" and "servertest_player" or as you specified them when setting up your server, during creation.


If you have not yet created your own Project Zomboid server and want to, click on the article to learn how to do it

You can simply copy these folders to a safe place and if something happens to your gaming experience, you can replace them with the backed up files.

Project Zomboid how to save the server, backups using the GODLIKE panel


We would like to tell you about our automatic system for saving your server files, which is available in our panel!

1) Log in to your account on the GODLIKE host website.

2) Click on the small circle of your profile photo to go to the panel.

3) In the new window that opens, select the "My Servers" section in the left list and click on your Project Zomboid server.

4) In the selected server, on the left in the "Server management" section, there is a subsection "Backup", click on it to go to the functions.

5) In the "Backups" tab, click on the "Create backup" button. Now you have created a backup of your server.


For more information on backups, we suggest you check out our backup guide

Now you know how to protect your server files. Host multiplayer Project Zomboid along with GODLIKE.

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