Newcomer’s Guide to Warframe 2024

Last modified on 01 September 2024 in
  • 5 min read
  • 2212
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

The Vast Universe of Warframe

Warframe has been around for many years. Despite being an 11-year-old live service game, it maintains an active community thanks to a combination of player support and constant addition of new content. However, Warframe can seem daunting and inaccessible to newcomers. In some ways, this is true, but in other aspects, the game is much simpler than it appears at first glance.


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Setting Expectations

First and foremost, it's essential to set your expectations correctly to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Free-to-play games often contain a lot of meta-data, and diving into Warframe or reading about it without preparation can lead to an overload of information from various sources simultaneously. The key thing to understand is that you don't need to worry too much about the details to enjoy Warframe.

warframe space

The core gameplay involves completing a series of missions where players fight enemies, collect loot, and then return to their base to upgrade their characters. The game does not have a significant PvP element, and the ranking system is solely tied to the player's personal progress. The best way to enjoy Warframe is to take your time and do the tasks that seem interesting. The game offers engaging gameplay, and all the metrics and statistics are secondary.

Choosing Your Warframe and Weapons

Initially, you need to choose your starting equipment. The game offers a wide variety of Warframes and weapons that can be acquired through farming or spending real money. However, at the start of the game, you are provided with free starting equipment.

warframe and weapons

You can choose from three starting Warframes:

  • Mag
  • Volt
  • Excalibur

Weapons are divided into three categories: primary, secondary, and melee. You can choose one of two options in each category.


  • Braton - assault rifle
  • Paris - bow


  • Lato - pistol
  • Kunai - throwing knives


  • Skana - sword
  • Bo - staff

Overall, it's recommended to choose the assault rifle unless you prefer the bow. Secondary weapons are not as critical, but it's worth noting that kunai are useful for those who prefer to stay unnoticed.

warframe enemies

If you choose Excalibur, it's advisable to take the sword. In other cases, the staff is a better choice, especially for hitting multiple enemies simultaneously. If you're playing as Mag, using its abilities to gather enemies together makes the staff very effective.

Completing the Star Chart

One of the biggest challenges in Warframe is understanding what to do next. From the very beginning, numerous different routes are open, and it's easy to get distracted by every new task that gets unlocked. Instead, it's better to focus on completing all the stages on each planet. This is called the Star Chart, which is a map of all the planets with marked points of interest.

warframe stars chart

By filling out the Star Chart, you can find an organic path through the game. The paths to other planets are important milestones that also serve as barriers with specific requirements, but early in the game, you can usually get everything you need long before finishing all the levels. If you feel overwhelmed, it’s better to stay on Earth and progress through the planets one by one.

Modding as a Core Element

Modding is a key aspect of progression in Warframe and can seem complex. As you play, you will receive mod cards that enhance various stats. Mods can be used for Warframes, weapons, and even pets. Initially, don't worry too much about this and just use what you have available.

waframe gameplay 2024

Mod effects can be straightforward (increasing health, damage, armor, etc.) or more complex (status conditions, elemental damage/resistance, etc.). Over time, you will gain access to upgrading individual mods and increasing their capacity. This is a long-term game, and you should not try to max out mods early on.

The most important thing is not to sell mods for credits! Use another currency intended for upgrading mods, which is much rarer.

Duviri Paradox

If you want something more straightforward for gradually immersing yourself in Warframe's gameplay, consider trying the Duviri Paradox. This is a separate mode that resembles a roguelike and has its own story and reward system. It’s one of several options to consider if you want a break from the main gameplay.

Unfolding the Game's Story

Players in the Warframe community often mention how interesting the game’s story is. At the beginning, players are faced with a lot of loot and menus, which can cause some frustration. The essence is that the story starts much later.

warframe cutscene

If you are interested in the storyline but frustrated that it doesn’t reveal itself immediately, understand that you are playing a game that has evolved over a decade. You need to go through the initial tutorial before reaching the main events that have made Warframe popular. If you enjoy the combat mechanics and loot process, your patience will be rewarded with the unfolding story. Don’t look for it intentionally. The story will reveal itself naturally as you play and progress.

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