Obtaining New Costumes in Stellar Blade 1.003

Last modified on 01 September 2024 in
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Purchase New Costumes from Roxanne in Xion

With the launch of Stellar Blade update version 1.003, you’ll encounter an announcement about the introduction of two new costumes and a feature that supports targeting enemies after using the Eve combat drone.


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New Costumes

The new costumes, named White Kunoichi and Black Kunoichi, are impressive examples of nanotechnology. These can be crafted at the repair station.

White Kunoichi stellar blade

Meanwhile, more provocative and discussed costumes are available for purchase with Vitcoin. Roxanne offers these in her shop assortment. The summer costumes, Midsummer Redhood and Midsummer Alice, which are quite revealing, are available for 10 Vitcoin each.

Acquiring Resources

If you’ve been actively playing Stellar Blade, you likely have enough resources to purchase these items. If not, engage in side missions from NPCs in Xion to complete them. This will not only help you earn Vitcoin by completing missions but also likely bring additional Vitcoin from chests found along the way.

xion location stellar blade

Roxanne in stellar blade

This also applies to the materials needed to craft these costumes. Polymer materials can be found in chests scattered across the game areas. Using the drone’s sensory panel aids in easily detecting these materials while navigating through the area. It’s crucial to always be attentive to resources and collectible items while playing Stellar Blade.

One of the most exciting updates in Stellar Blade with the latest patch is the Boss Challenge Mode. This mode not only allows you to continue the game and improve your skills but also unlocks the possibility of obtaining a new costume for Eve. The Neurolink Costume, which is likely to become a favorite in Eve’s wardrobe, becomes available after defeating each boss in the Boss Challenge Mode on normal difficulty or higher.

Neurolink constume stellar blade


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