Riemann SMG: обязательное сокровище в делюкс-издании Stalker 2
Stalker's 2 Weapons
Before venturing into this comprehensive guide to securing the Riemann SMG in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, be aware that this specialized, rapid-fire submachine gun is exclusively available to players who opt for the Deluxe Edition DLC. This powerful firearm is tied to the “Journalist’s Stash” storyline, a questline featuring premium loot scattered across the treacherous expanse of the Zone.
While the pursuit of this finely crafted weapon may involve perilous encounters, it’s undoubtedly worth the effort. Designed for swift close-quarters combat, the Riemann SMG handles both mutant hordes and human adversaries with remarkable efficiency. Below, you’ll uncover the steps needed to claim this extraordinary red-and-black submachine gun for yourself—so you, too, can wield this powerhouse on your journey.
Pinpointing the Riemann SMG
To begin, retrieve the Journalist’s audio log from the stash container located in the barracks at the rear chamber of the trader’s outpost in Zalissya. This task is part of the “Seek and You Shall Find” side quest, a mission that involves uncovering various stashes left by the Journalist across the Zone. Your initial focus should be on Rostock, situated northwest of Zalissya, just on the outskirts of the Garbage region. Though the journey requires a fair trek, the rewards justify the effort.
One key локация to note is a rectangular military base to the northwest of Rostock, conveniently marked on the map with a green icon. While it’s only a brief hike from the Slag Heap, brace yourself for hostile encounters with mutants, anomalies, and roaming bandits. Always remain vigilant, and under no circumstances should you wade through the swamp—it’s a death trap.
Upon reaching the barracks, exercise caution around the gravitational anomalies scattered both outside and inside the compound. Employ the time-tested method of tossing screws into these floating anomalies to momentarily disperse them, allowing safe passage. Navigate through the hazardous zones to the eastern entrance, then take a left as you proceed into the dilapidated building. Within the farthest corner of the broken barracks—tucked between two bunk beds—you’ll discover the blue crate holding the Riemann SMG.
A Weapon to Elevate Your Arsenal
The Riemann SMG is a formidable companion, capable of carrying you seamlessly through mid- to late-game missions in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2. It boasts a blistering rate of fire, commendable precision, and a moderate effective range. While its per-shot damage output might not be the highest, its impressive DPS compensates for this drawback. If you decide to part with it, the weapon fetches an approximate value of 32,000 coupons—a testament to its premium quality.
Beyond the Riemann: Other Notable Weapons
The Riemann SMG is but one of many distinctive armaments hidden throughout the Zone in Heart of Chornobyl. For those seeking even more firepower early in the game, the Lullaby assault rifle is another high-tier weapon worth pursuing.
Whether you’re a completionist or a survivor aiming to dominate the Zone, tracking down these unique treasures is essential for maximizing your experience in this unforgiving world.
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