A Guide to Crafting Decorated Pots in Minecraft
Blocks in Minecraft
Among the myriad of unique elements found in Minecraft server hosting, one stands out as a relatively recent and captivating addition: decorated pots. These artistic creations offer players the opportunity to experiment with various intricate designs, allowing for endless personalization. Unlike conventional blocks, these treasures must be unearthed from archaeological dig sites, making the process a thrilling yet time-intensive endeavor. But fear not—we’re here to guide you step-by-step. Once in your possession, these pots provide builders with an extraordinary canvas for adding charm and character to their creations. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll uncover where to locate them and reveal the secrets of their craftsmanship. Let’s delve right in!
What Exactly Are Decorated Pots?
As their name suggests, decorated pots are pottery blocks adorned with distinctive motifs. These designs can narrate tales or simply serve as ornamental flourishes for your base, library, or other creations. They are particularly favored by builders aiming to evoke a dungeon-esque ambiance, resembling the pots featured in Minecraft Dungeons. However, acquiring these in survival mode can prove challenging, as their creation hinges upon rare world-generation quirks. Specifically, these pots rely on pottery shards, which can only be excavated from suspicious sand or gravel found at archaeological dig sites scattered throughout the environment. To streamline your journey toward obtaining these fascinating items, we’ve outlined key insights in the following sections.
Unearthing Pottery Shards
Pottery shards—an essential ingredient for crafting decorated pots—can be discovered in several notable locations, including Trail Ruins, Desert Temples, and Ocean Ruins. While other sites may yield results, these three remain the most dependable for shard-hunting. Upon arriving at one of these landmarks, you’ll notice distinguishing features setting them apart from their surroundings. For instance, trail ruins often feature anomalous blocks within their biome, while temples may house intriguing materials hidden within their structures. Similarly, other archaeology-related landmarks may reveal telltale signs worth investigating.
To commence your excavation, you’ll first need to craft a Brush, an essential tool for unearthing shards. This requires assembling 1x Stick, 1x Copper Ingot, and 1x Feather. Additionally, we recommend equipping yourself with spare pickaxes, shovels, and even multiple brushes, as their durability is limited. Should a brush wear out, you can combine them on a workbench to restore their functionality.
When you begin excavating areas such as trail ruins or temples, pay close attention to Suspicious Sand or Suspicious Gravel—blocks distinguished by textures that deviate subtly from their mundane counterparts. Exercise caution during excavation, as these blocks are easy to accidentally destroy. To ensure accuracy, clear the surrounding area before carefully brushing the suspicious blocks. The quantity of such blocks may vary depending on the structure, but they often occur in reasonable abundance.
Once you’ve pinpointed these blocks, equip your brush, right-click on the suspicious block, and hold until an item materializes. While shards are among the potential drops, the blocks may yield alternative items such as dyes, emeralds, or candles. Acquiring shards often requires perseverance, as luck plays a significant role. Continue excavating across different structures until you’ve amassed a minimum of four shards to craft a single decorated pot. Alternatively, players can enable cheats to spawn shards directly into the game, bypassing the grind altogether.
Crafting Decorated Pots
Once you’ve secured 4x Pottery Shards of any type, you’re ready to create your very own decorated pot. Simply arrange the shards in a square pattern on the crafting table. Whether you opt for a single unified design or experiment with a mixture of patterns, the creative possibilities are virtually limitless. With 20 unique shard designs available, there’s no shortage of combinations to explore. This makes decorated pots an excellent addition to both multiplayer servers and single-player worlds, offering builders a versatile decorative option.
Decorated pots represent a dream come true for builders, offering an exceptional means to enrich your Minecraft structures with storytelling and artistic flair. Whether your aim is to evoke a dungeon-inspired aesthetic or simply embellish your base with intricate details, these pots bring a touch of elegance and creativity to your virtual creations. With an abundance of shards to collect and patterns to experiment with, the possibilities are boundless. We hope this guide has illuminated the path toward mastering the art of decorated pots in Minecraft. Happy crafting, adventurers!
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