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All Biomes Minecraft

Last modified on 16 February 2025 in Minecraft
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

What Biomes Are in Minecraft

Minecraft servers have a distinct part of the geography called the biome, characterized by its flora, fauna, and other features. The game world is divided into many such zones, each offering unique items, monsters, and structures. As you travel the world, you will visit snowy mountains and vast deserts and also encounter several exclusive biomes.


Plains Biome in Minecraft

Plains in Minecraft are spacious and sparsely populated with buildings or trees. Occasionally, villages with horses, pumpkins, melons, and various grasses can appear here. This biome is ideal for gathering wheat seeds and creating large structures.

Рівнинний біом у Minecraft

Forest Biome in Minecraft

Forests are where we take our first steps and strike our first trees. Forest biomes come in several variations: from oak to birch and dark oak "flower forests." Dark oak forests are famous for their rare mansions, which hide many secrets and valuable Totems of Undying.

Лісовий біом у Minecraft

Jungle in Minecraft

There are three main types of jungles in the game: regular jungles, edge jungles, and bamboo jungles. Bamboo jungles are home to player-favorite pandas. Jungles are also useful due to parrots, which warn of mobs, ocelots, which scare off creepers, and cocoa beans. You can also find mysterious jungle temples here.

Джунглі у Minecraft

Ice Spikes Biome in Minecraft

This biome is more desolate than most others, with minimal life and items. Like the snowy tundra, you can find polar bears and rabbits here, but they are very rare. Food can only be obtained through fishing, making this biome not the best choice for settling.

Біом льодових шипів у Minecraft

Desert Biome in Minecraft

Despite its seemingly lifeless nature, the desert in Minecraft is rich with interesting locations and items. It is known for desert temples, which are key in speedrunning and contain treasures, including diamonds. You can also find villages, special zombies, and cacti here.

Пустельний біом у Minecraft

Snowy Biome in Minecraft

The snowy tundra embodies all the characteristics of a snow desert: little life apart from cute polar bears and rabbits. Trees are rare, so it’s worth bringing a pumpkin and making a snow golem for protection.

Сніговий біом у Minecraft

Mountain Biome in Minecraft

Mountain biomes vary in height—from high peaks to low valleys. After the Caves and Cliffs update, mountains have undergone significant changes and have become a great place for mining ores.

Гірський біом у Minecraft


Update Minecraft 1.20.5

Savanna Biome in Minecraft

The savanna in Minecraft is rich with acacias, herds of llamas and horses. There are also many hills, wheat seeds, and surface plants like melons and pumpkins. This biome offers many opportunities for settlement thanks to its rich flora and fauna.

Саванний біом у Minecraft

Swamp Biome in Minecraft

The updated Minecraft swamp is now even more interesting: at night, zombies, skeletons, creepers, and slimes appear here, which are caught by local frogs. With water and trees, it’s a good place to live.

Болотний біом у Minecraft

Beach and Stone Shore Biomes in Minecraft

These biomes form at the edge of the ocean or where a river flows. Stone shores have visible ores, and beaches are important for collecting sand, accessing turtles, and sugar cane.

Біоми пляжу та кам'яних берегів у Minecraft

Mushroom Biome in Minecraft

The unique mushroom biome is completely free from hostile mobs, and only mushrooms live here. Using bowls allows you to collect an endless supply of mushroom stew, making this biome perfect for permanent residence.

грибний біом в майнкрафт

Ocean Biome in Minecraft

The ocean biome ranges from completely barren to overflowing with plants and animals. The dangerous mob Drowned lives here, posing a significant threat.

океанський біом в майнкрафті

Cherry Blossom (Sakuras) Biome in Minecraft

The cherry blossom grove is brought to life with new cherry trees, covered in petals. Sheep and beehives are often found here, and the spawn rate of emerald ores is significantly higher.

біом сакур Minecraft


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Nether Biome in Minecraft

The Nether may seem attractive for settlement due to resources, but the dangers associated with lava and aggressive mobs make it unsuitable for long-term residence.

пекельний біом в майнкрафт

End Biome in Minecraft

The End biome is the location of the final boss, the Ender Dragon, and the end of the game. Here you can find flying ships and large End cities filled with treasures and adventures after completing the main storyline.

кінцевий біом в майнкрафт

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