Palworld Difficulty Settings Server

Last modified on 07 August 2024 in Palworld
  • 6 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Palworld difficulty or Palworld hard mode

Many players pay attention to the Palworld server difficulty. Some prefer hardcore mode: one life, many enemies, and few resources, while others enjoy an easy and fun game where it's easy to defeat enemies and find plenty of resources. In this article, we will tell you how to change the difficulty on the Palworld server and choose the most convenient one for you.


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How to change Palworld Difficulty Settings?

1) Log into the game panel and make sure the server is turned off.

GODLIKE game panel console

2) Open the File Manager section and open (double-click) the DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini file.

GODLIKE game pane, settings tab

3) You will see a text file where you can make changes.

game panel files


Various useful skills for playing Palworld

Below, we have provided a difficulty table for you to choose from and enter in this file:

Day Time Speed Rate The pace at which the day passes. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will double the speed of daytime. Setting this value below 1, for example, 0.8, will make the game harder for players, as they will have to deal with cold more often at night.
Night Time Speed Rate The pace at which the night passes. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 0.5, for example, will make the night half as fast as usual. Setting this value above 1, for example, 1.2, will make the game harder for players, as they will have to deal with cold more often at night.
Experience Rate The rate at which players gain experience. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2.5, for example, will make gaining experience 2.5 times faster than usual. Setting this value below 1, for example, 0.8, may make the game harder for players as it will take them longer to unlock new technologies.
Pal Capture Rate The probability of successfully capturing pals by players. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will double the usual capture rate. Setting this value below 1, for example, 0.9, may make the game harder for players as it will be more difficult to successfully capture pals.
Pal Spawn Rate The frequency of new pals appearing in the world. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals appear twice as often as usual. If this value is set below 1, for example, 0.7, it will be harder for players to collect pals as there will be significantly fewer encounters.
Pal Damage Rate Attack How much damage pals inflict. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals inflict twice as much damage as usual. Setting this number above 1, for example, 1.5, will make the game harder for players as pals will inflict much more damage to them and others.
Pal Damage Rate Defense How much damage pals withstand. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals twice as resilient as usual. Using a value below 1, for example, 0.5, will result in pals receiving significantly less damage from all sources, making the game harder for players.
Pal Stomach Decrease Rate The rate at which pals lose hunger saturation. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals lose saturation twice as fast as usual. Setting this number above 1, for example, 1.2, will make pals get hungry faster, potentially making the game harder for some players.
Pal Stamina Decrease Rate The rate at which pals lose stamina during exertion. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals lose stamina twice as fast as usual. Setting this number above 1, for example, 1.2, will make pals lose stamina faster, potentially making the game harder for some players.
Pal Auto HP Regen Rate How quickly pals automatically regenerate HP when injured. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals regenerate health twice as fast as usual. If you set this parameter to a value below 1, for example, 0.5, pals will regenerate health much slower, making the game harder for players.
Pal Auto HP Regen Rate While Sleeping How quickly pals automatically regenerate HP when injured while sleeping. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make pals regenerate health twice as fast as usual. If you set this parameter to a value below 1, for example, 0.5, pals will regenerate health much slower during sleep, making the game harder for players.
Player Damage Rate Attack How much damage players inflict. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make players inflict twice as much damage as usual. Decreasing this number to a value below 1, for example, 0.9, will make the game harder for players as they will inflict less damage.
Player Damage Rate Defense How much damage players receive. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make players twice as resilient as usual. Increasing this number to a value above 1, for example, 1.3, will make the game harder for players as they will receive more damage from all sources.
Player Stomach Decrease Rate The rate at which players lose hunger saturation. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make players lose saturation twice as fast as usual. If you set this value to more than 1, for example, 1.1, players will get hungry faster, potentially making the game potentially more difficult.
Player Stamina Decrease Rate The rate at which players lose stamina during exertion. The value set in this option is a multiplier, so setting it to 2, for example, will make players lose stamina twice as fast as usual. If you set this number above 1, for example, 1.2, it will make players lose stamina faster, potentially making the game harder for players.


Save this file after making changes and then start the server

Now you can customize the difficulty to your liking and that of your players. Manage your server and make the game more interesting and fun! Play together with GODLIKE.

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