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How to heal Pals in Palworld or Revive Pals Palworld?

Last modified on 14 August 2024 in Palworld
  • 3 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Caring for strongest Pals in Palworld

Creat your own world with Palworld server hosting. When you encounter Wild Pals in the world of Palworld, there is a significant risk that your Pals may get injured or even be temporarily incapacitated. However, there are effective methods to quickly restore your Pal's health and prepare them for the next adventure.

two player pals palworld

Heal and Revive Pals Palworld

Healing and revival procedures in Palworld vary: for the former, food suffices, while the latter requires returning to base.


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How to Heal Pals in Palworld?

To keep your Pals healthy, it's important to monitor their satiety level.

Open your inventory and go to the party tab. Here you will find the health indicators of your Pals. Maintaining the lower bar, which reflects hunger, will allow your Pal to recover HP in their Pal Sphere as long as the bar does not drop below a critical level.

pal description tab palworld

The game will notify you when you or your Pals are hungry. If the hunger indicator empties, the Pal will start losing HP but will not drop below 1HP.

Upon reaching level 10, you can activate the Feed Bag, which will automatically feed you and your Pals as long as it contains food.

How to Revive Pals Palworld?

Incapacitated Pals can be a major setback as they will not be able to participate in battles. This is especially critical if that particular Pal was key in the fight and dealt the most damage to enemies.

revive a pal palworld

Reviving Pals requires additional effort. You need to return to one of the bases and use the Pal Box. There, you need to leave the incapacitated Pal for about 10 minutes, after which you can retrieve them.


At night, the revival process can be sped up by sleeping in a bed while the Pal is in your inventory

Be particularly careful during battles to avoid incapacitating your Pal. Otherwise, you will have to interrupt your activities and return to base for their revival!


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