7 Days to DIe: How to get Clay

Last modified on 16 February 2025 in 7 Days To Die
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Clay Soil Extraction Locations

In the post-apocalyptic world of 7 Days to Die Server Hosting, clay soil can be extracted from the ground using tools such as a shovel. While clay soil is present in most biomes, the pine forest serves as an ideal starting point for your search.


Starting underground excavation with a shovel will yield gradual amounts of clay soil with each strike. A greater quantity is obtained after removing a "chunk" of the substrate, which exposes richer, deeper layers of soil.

finding a Clay Soil in 7 days to die

It's important to understand that not all surface areas contain clay soil. The green expanses of the pine forest are rich in clay, unlike dirt paths or asphalt roads. The latter only provide crushed sand and small stones, while asphalt only yields small stones.

The process of extracting clay soil requires time and depletes your stamina, but there are methods to increase collection efficiency.


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Optimal Strategies for Clay Soil Extraction

You can increase clay soil extraction using various techniques. The amount of clay soil obtained increases depending on the type of shovel and its level of enhancement. For example, a level 4 stone shovel collects more clay soil than its level 1 counterpart. An iron shovel is even more effective, gathering about twice as much clay soil per strike compared to a stone shovel.

Shovel modifications also improve the collection process. The Grave Digger mod increases damage dealt to the soil by 25%, while the Ergonomic Grip mod reduces stamina consumption by 10%.

set a shovel mod for digging clay

Interestingly, snowy biomes are said to offer a more generous clay soil yield compared to pine forests. While digging through snow is necessary, the potential rewards may justify the expedition.

Turning Clay Soil into Usable Clay

Clay soil is converted into clay through alchemical processes in the forge. Place the clay soil into an empty slot under the smelting section on the right side of the forge interface. Add fuel such as wood or coal, and activate the forge. The device will gradually transform the clay soil into clay, with the output amount displayed in the smelting section.

making clay i 7 days to die

Usefulness of Clay Soil

In the desolate world of 7 Days to Die, clay is indispensable. It is a critical component in many forge recipes, including wrought iron, wrought steel, bullet casings, bullet tips, and more. Accumulating a surplus of clay is essential for survival in a zombie apocalypse.

making farm in 7 days to die

Moreover, clay soil is an integral part of agricultural activities. Farm plot blocks, necessary for growing vegetables and flowers from seeds, require clay soil for their creation.

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