Czas trwania gry w Black Myth: Wukong
Last modified on 02 grudnia 2024 in
The Long-Awaited Release of Black Myth: Wukong
"Black Myth: Wukong," an exciting action-adventure game developed by Game Science, invites players on an odyssey inspired by the classic Chinese narrative "Journey to the West." With over 160 types of enemies and an impressive roster of more than 80 bosses to defeat, the game offers a maze of skills to master across various ability branches, alongside a wealth of mysteries waiting to be uncovered in its mystical worlds.
To complete "Black Myth: Wukong," most adventurers will need to engage with additional content—whether through exploration to find upgrades or by completing side quests. However, those who prefer to skip optional aspects of the game can finish the main storyline in approximately 30 hours.
But focusing solely on completing the campaign doesn't fully capture the essence of the experience. A rushed playthrough leaves much of the game's richness untouched. The game features multiple endings, and with over 80 trophies or achievements to unlock, fully mastering the game requires far more than a quick run. To earn these rewards, players will need to discover every meditation spot, master transformations, craft potions, and complete a variety of unique tasks—some of which demand significant time and patience.
For those who love to explore thoroughly, the mythological realms of "Black Myth: Wukong" can take over 50 hours, as they complete side quests, earn numerous trophies, and unlock all the game's endings. Players who savor every moment or face the game's more formidable bosses and hidden secrets may find their journey extends even longer.
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