Axolotls in Minecraft
Minecraft server hosting is home to many fascinating creatures, and axolotls are among the unique. These amphibious mobs bring life to the game’s waters, and understanding their eating habits is key to taming and breeding them effectively.
What Do Axolotls Eat in Minecraft?
In the game, axolotls have a simple but specific diet—they only eat tropical fish. However, they won’t just accept any fish; players need to offer them a bucket of live tropical fish instead of raw or cooked fish items.
How to Get a Bucket of Tropical Fish
To successfully feed or breed axolotls, players must first gather a bucket of tropical fish. Here’s how to do it:
Craft a Bucket – You’ll need three iron ingots to create a bucket at a crafting table.
Find Tropical Fish – These colorful fish spawn in warm ocean biomes and usually swim in small groups.
Catch the Fish:
- Approach a tropical fish while holding a bucket filled with water.
- Click on the fish to scoop it into the bucket. You should now have a "Bucket of Tropical Fish."
If you don’t feel like hunting for fish, wandering traders sometimes sell buckets of tropical fish for five emeralds.
How to Feed and Breed Axolotls
Once you have the required fish, here’s what you can do:
- Feeding – Select a bucket of tropical fish and use it on an axolotl. When done successfully, the axolotl will display heart particles, showing that it has been fed.
- Breeding – If you feed two axolotls near each other, they will breed and produce a baby axolotl. The baby inherits one parent’s color, though there is a small chance it may be a rare blue axolotl.
Why Axolotls Are Useful in Minecraft
Axolotls are more than just cute companions — they offer some tactical advantages:
- Help in Battles – These mobs will attack hostile underwater creatures like drowned and guardians, making them excellent allies in underwater fights.
- Regeneration Boost – If a player assists an axolotl in a battle, they receive a brief Regeneration effect and can also remove Mining Fatigue, which is especially useful in ocean monuments.
Axolotls in Minecraft only eat live tropical fish from a bucket, which players can obtain by catching tropical fish in warm ocean biomes. Feeding and breeding axolotls allows players to create new ones, and these creatures provide combat support against underwater mobs while granting temporary regeneration effects.
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