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How to Ride a Sniffer in Minecraft

Last modified on 05 February 2025 in Minecraft
  • 3 min read
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Spartak Itskovich

Spartak Itskovich

Game Content Writer

Mobs and Interactions

With the release of Minecraft server hosting version 1.20, the Sniffer—a giant dinosaur-like creature—was introduced, offering players a new exploration companion. While interactions with these creatures are currently limited, riding them officially remains impossible. Why can’t players mount these massive mobs? The exact reason remains unclear, but players have discovered ways to ride them using in-game commands. This works in both multiplayer servers and single-player mode, and the experience can be further enhanced with mods that add new mechanics for these creatures. Whether you’re a fan of mods or prefer the vanilla game, there’s always a way to saddle up. Let’s dive into the process of riding Sniffers in Minecraft!


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Sniffers in Minecraft: Can You Ride Them?

The simple answer is no—you cannot ride Sniffers in Minecraft by default. However, with commands or mods, it becomes entirely possible. These massive creatures are not designed for players to ride—at least not yet. There’s speculation this might change in future updates, but nothing is guaranteed. For now, if you’re playing the Java Edition, you can ride Sniffers in version 1.20 using commands, though Bedrock Edition players won’t have this option natively. Add-ons might offer a workaround, but this isn’t certain. Check the sections below for detailed instructions.


Steps to Ride Sniffers

Before attempting to ride a Sniffer, you’ll need to enable cheats or have operator permissions, depending on whether you’re playing on a server or in single-player mode. Once this is done, you can use a command to mount these creatures. Follow these steps to get started:

Enter Creative Mode and spawn a Sniffer in your desired location.

sniffers spawn egg minecraft

Open the chat and type: /ride [username] mount @e[type=minecraft:sniffer,limit=1,distance=..10]

If successful, you’ll be riding a Sniffer in Minecraft for the first time!

riding on sniffer in minecraft


To dismount, press the SHIFT key or use the command: /ride [username] dismount

Using Mods

For a more immersive way to ride Sniffers, consider mods like Hellion’s Sniffer+ for Forge or Fabric. This mod allows you to equip Sniffers with saddles, attach chests to them, and explore new underground biomes, enriching the overall experience. It’s compatible with both single-player and multiplayer modes. While there are other mods to experiment with, Hellion’s Sniffer+ remains a top choice for Sniffer enthusiasts.

minecraft riding mods

Overview: Riding Sniffers

In unmodified Minecraft 1.20, riding Sniffers is impossible unless you use cheats or mods. While Mojang might update this feature in the future, there are no guarantees. Currently, commands or mods are the only ways to mount a Sniffer. Without these workarounds, Sniffers primarily serve as companions for discovering rare flowers and observing in their natural environment. For Bedrock Edition, riding is unlikely without finding a compatible add-on.

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