Farming Blood Eagles Fallout 76
Blood Eagles in Fallout 76
Few things in Fallout 76 are as satisfying as running a Slugger build while hunting down a squad of Blood Eagles, leaving them crushed underfoot and collecting their valuable loot. It’s one of those small but incredibly rewarding pleasures in Appalachia that often makes it worth the effort. Known for looting high-quality items, these Blood Eagles are lucrative targets worth your attention.
For the average survivor, the Blood Eagles are one of the most fearsome raider factions in the wasteland. But for you? They’re little more than a hearty breakfast. If you’re hunting for experience points and valuable gear, here are the top spots to farm Blood Eagles in Fallout 76!
Blood Eagles Hunting Locations
The Blood Eagles have established themselves as one of the most fearsome and influential raider groups in Appalachia. They descend upon various points of interest, wiping out all adversaries—including formidable Super Mutants—and claiming the area, at least until they set their sights on the next conquest. Luckily for you, Fallout 76 has plenty of Blood Eagles strongholds offering numerous farming opportunities, whether for experience, loot, or just sheer enjoyment!
Twin Pine Cabins
Twin Pine Cabins is one of the easiest locations to farm Blood Eagles, as the camp is usually guarded by only a small number of raiders. However, be cautious, especially with the rooftop raider often armed with a rocket launcher—a weapon that can quickly decimate lower-level players.
Once you’ve cleared the area, be sure to search both buildings. You might stumble upon a skill magazine, a possible plan near the weapons workbench, and plenty of crafting materials to satisfy your constant need for ammo!
Rollins Labor Camp
Located in the Ash Heap, Rollins Labor Camp is a notable site easily recognized by the massive excavator protruding from the hillside. As you approach, you’ll find that it’s one of the largest Blood Eagles camps in the game.
Here, you’ll face numerous raiders, many of whom are well-armed, with some brazen enough to charge at you in desperate melee combat. Crush them without mercy! But be wary of the Blood Eagles stationed at elevated positions, especially those on the excavator, as they’ll rain fire down upon you from above.
After clearing the area, climb to the top of the excavator. There, you’ll find a rocket launcher, some ammo, and grenades. On the ground level, there’s a Power Armor station and even a potential C.A.M.P. ally you can recruit!
The Sludge Works
Situated near Rollins Labor Camp, The Sludge Works occupies the southeastern part of the Ash Heap. This location is a personal favorite for farming, as it offers an abundance of loot after you wipe out all the enemies. You’ll likely find Raider Power Armor, fusion cores, mini-nukes, Nuka-Cola Cranberry, armor mods, cooking recipes, and plenty of crafting materials!
While The Sludge Works may seem confusing at first glance, it’s quite straightforward to navigate. Clear every building within the walls, pushing through defensive lines. However, be cautious near the toxic lake at the center of the location. On the deck extending into the sludge, a raider in Power Armor usually stands guard and won’t go down without a fight!
Additional Locations
If you’ve already cleared the Blood Eagles at the spots mentioned above, here are a few more general locations where they can be found:
- The Pigsty
- High Knob Lookout
- Summersville
- Watoga Underground
- Big Bend Tunnel
- Dagger’s Den
- The Kill Box
These locations offer diverse loot, most of which is randomly generated, filling shelves and containers. Whatever you find, you’ll surely put it to good use.
Happy hunting, and may your loot be plentiful!
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